Not one of sand and sun or fun and frolic. No, this is a beach where for two weeks you say goodbye to all carbs, all sugar, all fruit, all alcohol, and all baked goods and then slowly reintroduce fruit and "good" carbs. It sounds about as fun as an ancient Chinese torture chamber but I'm doing it anyway. Yes, damn it, I'm a sheep. I am following the crowd and starting The South Beach Diet!
Tomorrow is the big day THUS I have been eating so much fruit and yogurt and bread the last few days to get it out of my house that I think I just might puke. I've probably gained a good 5 pounds this week saying goodbye to all my old friends (i.e. Starbucks, Taco Bell, Subway, Ben & his ever fabulous cohort Jerry) but never fear because if South Beach works for me the way it has for my mom and dad not only will I shed a lot of weight the next two weeks on Phase 1 but it will mostly come off my ever present gut.
My skinny readers who've only dieted when they wanted to lose 5 pounds for bikini season are probably thinking "For Christ sake, what's the big deal? This girl talks about remotivating herself every other week. Just lose the weight already and shut up." To that I ever so politely reply "F%&@ off, please, because you have no clue what it's like and have a nice day." To those that have been MORBIDLY OBESE (such a lovely term) for the majority of their lives can I get an "AMEN!" please? You all know my plight and have trudged this same path more times than you can probably count. You know that after a while it gets all kinds of boring and you start to give up as you're burdened by the realization that hell just might freeze over before you lose all the weight you're shooting for. It starts to become all you can do to maintain the weight you've lost let alone not gain it all back. I've determined that it's this pivotal point that you need to reaffirm what it is you're trying to do. It's this point, before you've completely sabotaged your efforts, that you need to dig deep and do whatever necessary to get back on the path to your goal. Realize it NOW, before you gain it all back, hate yourself, and have to work up the courage to try it yet again.
So for me it's as simple as this...I have a hell of a long way to go having only lost somewhere around 27 pounds thus far. Operation drop 200 needs some revamping if I'm going to keep it up because to be quite honest, if I count one more damn weight watching point right now I may claw my own eyes out. I will come back to that of the WW but I need a break right now. I need to mix it up and I need a couple of very successful weeks to get me going strong again and I'm hoping these Phase 1 weeks will be those weeks. SO, I'm not going to my Weight Watchers meetings anymore and I'm back on my own. I'll let you know how it goes. Surf's up, ya'll!
Tomorrow is the big day THUS I have been eating so much fruit and yogurt and bread the last few days to get it out of my house that I think I just might puke. I've probably gained a good 5 pounds this week saying goodbye to all my old friends (i.e. Starbucks, Taco Bell, Subway, Ben & his ever fabulous cohort Jerry) but never fear because if South Beach works for me the way it has for my mom and dad not only will I shed a lot of weight the next two weeks on Phase 1 but it will mostly come off my ever present gut.
My skinny readers who've only dieted when they wanted to lose 5 pounds for bikini season are probably thinking "For Christ sake, what's the big deal? This girl talks about remotivating herself every other week. Just lose the weight already and shut up." To that I ever so politely reply "F%&@ off, please, because you have no clue what it's like and have a nice day." To those that have been MORBIDLY OBESE (such a lovely term) for the majority of their lives can I get an "AMEN!" please? You all know my plight and have trudged this same path more times than you can probably count. You know that after a while it gets all kinds of boring and you start to give up as you're burdened by the realization that hell just might freeze over before you lose all the weight you're shooting for. It starts to become all you can do to maintain the weight you've lost let alone not gain it all back. I've determined that it's this pivotal point that you need to reaffirm what it is you're trying to do. It's this point, before you've completely sabotaged your efforts, that you need to dig deep and do whatever necessary to get back on the path to your goal. Realize it NOW, before you gain it all back, hate yourself, and have to work up the courage to try it yet again.
So for me it's as simple as this...I have a hell of a long way to go having only lost somewhere around 27 pounds thus far. Operation drop 200 needs some revamping if I'm going to keep it up because to be quite honest, if I count one more damn weight watching point right now I may claw my own eyes out. I will come back to that of the WW but I need a break right now. I need to mix it up and I need a couple of very successful weeks to get me going strong again and I'm hoping these Phase 1 weeks will be those weeks. SO, I'm not going to my Weight Watchers meetings anymore and I'm back on my own. I'll let you know how it goes. Surf's up, ya'll!