Monday, January 12, 2009

Circa 2014

She slices her apple much the way she has since she was allowed to hold a knife; cutting it first in half and then coring it. The difference now being the craving of something as simple as an apple instead of a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream. As she reaches to get a plate she notices the colors of her stained glass window dancing on the front of the cupboard door as the sun peeks through the trees. Sitting at the small table in her kitchen she drinks a glass of water and enjoys every bite of her post-workout apple. Her body is conflicted; weak from lifting weights, but energized from the cardio. With too much to do before she leaves town for yet another trip abroad, she bounds up the stairs to get to work.

Her studio is bright and full of color. Formerly her attic, it now houses large layout tables, computers, printers, a copier, and art supplies the likes of which she'd only dreamed of as a kid. She has a personal assistant 3 days a week to help her keep everything in order, but today she was on her own. With two deadlines looming, she needed to make this a very productive day. Being a freelance Graphic Designer and a writer takes up a lot of her time, but she finds that she works well under pressure and loves the variety of creative outlets that both undertakings afford her. She turns on some music and sits down at the computer that faces a window. She's got a great view of the lake from here and she's hoping it brings inspiration.

Her mind is clear. Her workouts often do that for her. She's happier than she's ever been and living a life she'd never had the courage to even dream of before. She's doing the work she loves, traveling, living comfortably, and she's no longer defined by the word "obese." She's strong. She's confident. She's fierce.

She's me...circa 2014.

I promised an update on my 5 year plan. This was my way of updating you. In five years I will have been to at least 3 different countries, I will have learned at least one language, I will have lost at least 200 pounds. In five years I will have written a book, even if it hasn't been published. In five years I will live in a place of my own again. Whether it's rented or purchased, I don't know, but I will live in a home not an apartment. In five years I will be making a living as a Graphic Designer and, if the God's are with me, a writer. I will be strong. I will be confident. I will be five years.


CJ said...

I love your five year plan and I have no doubt you can accomplish it. You are strong and fierce now, you just have to tap into that inner strength. Keep it up! I know you can do all that you want!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. You can ABSOLUTELY accomplish those goals. ABSOLUTELY. Good luck today because its steps in the right direction in every "today" that will make that goals come true!!!

Carlos said...

woohoo! a post a plan, sounds like the 4.0 student is back baby!

Anonymous said...

"It's NEVER too late to be what you might have been!"

For the writer in you...that was supposedly said/written by George Eliot... although it has been questioned if he is the true author of this quote - or something he said/alluded to may have been paraphrased - or someone altogether said it, like Dinah Maria (Mulock) Craik. I am not sure at this point and do not plan to track it down at this time.

For all intents and purposes, I just love the flippin quote and have had it on my wall for at least 10 years.

Hello - I *just* (if by just you mean 2 hours and 40 minutes ago) stumbled upon your blog (when I googled "ratsjunkmail" of all things - go ahead, try it) and landed on your letter to the editor post.

I was "hooked and I can't stop starin'" (lol, sorry, couldn't resist) for this entire time. I had to read the entire blog!

I related,
I laughed,
I sympathized,
I cheered,
I understood.

I have saved your blog in my favorites and hope to see more of "you" in the future.

I have so much more to say, but will have to do so at another time - you made me completely loose track of time and I have already blown off 2 different places I was supposed to go to before they closed.

Maybe tomorrow I can be on time... as I might have been today... (snicker)


Danielle said...

Hello!? Just checking in to see what is going on with you! Waiting in anticipation for another fantastic post and update!

Dina said...

Congrats on your Wii, I want one sooo badly. I think you'll use it a lot. I've read you can trick them with the weight by putting them on the carpet. Worth a shot.